About us

Vouch is a platform that allows you to write References or Testimonials for people you personally know and admire. With one click you can also Vouch for people you would be happy to recommend to other people.

On other social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, you post content on your own page. On Vouch, you post content on other people’s pages and invite them to post a Reference about you on your page.

How many of your friends and business contacts would Vouch for you?

What exactly would they say about you?

Vouch answers these questions. All of the great things that people think about you – in one place. You can even pin the best ones at the top of your page.

If you want to improve your chances of getting a job or a job promotion; if you want to make yourself more appealing to the opposite sex; if you want to increase your chances of getting a bank loan or an increase in your credit card limit; if there are any circumstances in which you want a stranger to trust you, either online or offline, then you need to have a profile on Vouch.

It doesn’t matter how old you are or what your background is. We can all benefit from positive Character References written by people who know us.

Join Now for Free – it takes less than a minute.
